Selecting the right online course is a vital step you take towards the successful completion of your education. It is important not to underestimate nor overestimate your current situation. The right assessment will  keep you challenged but also provide you with confidence to master the chosen program. 


SCGG offers 3 tiers of online ASCM/APICS courses so that you find the right supply chain program regardless of your current level in the field of supply chain management. 


Tier 1 =  Foundations of Supply Chain Management Program

for whom: anybody new to supply chain, for professionals at entry levels, or anybody who would like to refresh his/her knowledge in specific parts of supply chain management, or anybody who considers continuous education as a means to collect maintenance points towards a pre-existing APICS certification. 

what: SCGG offers the full suite of six mini-online courses that covers different fields of supply chain management: 

  • Introduction to Supply Chain Principles 
  • Foundations of Inventory Management
  • Foundations of Operations Planning 
  • Foundations of Manufacturing Management 
  • Foundations of Distribution and Logistics 
  • Foundations of Managing Operations

These online courses provide a solid baseline in terms of knowledge on what you can later build on -  offered at a fantastic price.  Click here to learn more about this program. 


Tier 2 = ASCM Certificate Program

for whom: anybody with some supply chain experience, for accelerating supply chain professionals, or anybody who would like to refresh his/her knowledge in specific parts of supply chain management, or anybody who considers continuous education as a means to collect maintenance points towards a pre-existing APICS certification. 

what: SCGG offers the Supply Chain Planning Certificate Online Course - click here to learn more about this course.


Tier 3 = APICS Certification Programs

for whom: anybody with supply chain experience, for supply chain professionals, or anybody who has the aspiration to move up the imaginative supply chain ladder.

what: SCGG offers the CPIM (Certified in Planning and Inventory Management) online courses. Click here to learn about the details.